Sunday 9 January 2011

New Year

 John's family came to stay at New Year.  

Barney enjoying the freezing water at the beach.


The family

Barney in the Sunlight

 One morning this rig appeared out of the fog.  It stayed for a few days while they carried out repairs.  It was the source of great entertainment over the weekend.  Its actually sat on a Hawk cargo ship.  The cargo ship consists of the two end sections and and a flat section between them which the rig is sat on.

The rig.

On New Year's Eve we watch the fireworks in Edinburgh and lit a Chinese latern.  I'm afraid my firework shots are too blurry to include here.

Lighting the Chinese Lantern.

On New Year's Day we visited Aberdour and stumbled on the annual Looney Dook! 
We decided not to join in.

The Looney Dook 

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