Wednesday 22 September 2010

Lonach Highland Gathering & Games

This year was the 169th annual Lonach Highland Gathering taking place at Strathdon near Aberdeen.
We attended this year to represent the Clan Milne along with some of Pippa's Mum and Dads friends. The weather wasn't great but fortunately we were well prepared - with a couple of Gazebo's.

An excellent lunch was of course provided and enjoyed by all.

The day's events start with the March of the Clansmen at 8 am where, carrying pikes and standards, they visit prominent households in the area claiming a wee dram of whisky at each stop. This includes a visit to Candacraig House owned by comedian Billy Connolly and his wife Pamela Stephenson. A horse and cart follows behind for those that don't make it...

Eventually, after lunch at the village hall, the Clansmen make it to the arena and march to great applause.

Other activities included tossing the caber, throwing the hammer and the tug of war and well as traditional scottish dancing and pipe bands.

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