Saturday 28 November 2009


Last weekend we went to Rome. It was John's first trip to Italy and a long awaited one. We rented an apartment just round the corner from the Vatican and squeezed in as much sightseeing as we possibly could. These are just a few of the many photos we took.

To make the most use of our time we did some of our sightseeing in the evenings.

Here is the Trevi Fountain which was constantly surrounded by tourists. We ate at a lovely bistro just round the corner.

And here we are doing our touristy bit, getting photographed in front of the fountain.
St Peter's

Castel Sant'Angelo

St Peter's with the Tiber in the foreground

The Pantheon

Inside the Pantheon

The Pantheon's diameter is exactly equal to its height - 43m and the hole in the dome is 9m wide. All quite impressive when you consider it was built in 27BC!

This picture of Piazza Venezia was taken from the top of the Vittorio Emanuele Monument. They have added a glass lift which takes you right to the top. Not for the faint hearted.

The Forum, once the heart of ancient Rome.

The Colosseum

A view of the Arch of Constantine, taken from the Colosseum

Inside the Colosseum

After walking miles we were in need of some lunch. By chance we headed up a slope after leaving the Colosseum and stumbled upon a temporary Jazz cafe. In one direction we could see the Colosseum, in the other the Vittoria Emanuele Monument and to the side the Forum. A little wine and pasta and we were ready for more sightseeing.

Our apartment was just off this square and behind me was the Vatican walls.

While at St Peter's we climbed up to the Dome. You can just see in this picture where the people are standing.

Climbing that high meant actually going between the walls of the dome. This is a shot of the staircase we climbed which was narrow and sloped with the dome.

The view of St Peter's square from the Dome

Inside St Peter's

St Peter's from the outside

The Swiss Guard

Unfortunately the Sistine Chapel was closed but we were able to explore the rest of the Vatican museum

One of the Courtyards within the Vatican
The staircase which rose from the original entrance to the Vatican museum which apparently inspired Frank Lloyd Wright when he designed the Guggenheim

1 comment:

  1. Very nice photos! I've never been to Italy myself but one of these days (that is when my son is old enough) my wife and I'd love to go and maybe rent an apartment like you did, :)
    Were you there just for the weekend?! Wow! Lucky you UK is close from Italy!
