Sunday 5 January 2014

Up on the roof...

April is seagull is the start of the seagull breeding season. They can be really aggressive so we didn't want them nesting on our rood.  So up I went to install the seagull defences.

John and Ella kept a watchful eye on me while I had a nose at the neighbour's gardens!

And the views are even better up here.

The Hepworth Gallery

In January 2013 we visited the Hepworth Gallery in Wakefield with John's Mum and Dad.  
If you are in the area it's well worth the trip.

New Year 2013 in Norfolk

Last year we spent New Year with Neil and Clair at their gorgeous, cosy cottage in Norfolk. We had a fantastic time and enjoyed the amazing beaches just down the road. Dylan and Laika (the whippets) kept Ella well exercised too.

This is the result of Neil's beach combing. It makes a beautiful display but we don't envy the dusting.

Dylan and Laika found a ball at the beach.

John with a very obedient looking Ella - its amazing how looks can be deceiving!

The beaches are enormous and go on forever and ever.

"I'm coming to get you!"

Ooops - now Dylan and Laika and coming to get you!

We had a day out in Cromer which has some gorgeous architecture.

And a traditional pier.

And colourful beach huts, although it wasn't really the weather to take advantage of them.

An interesting Christmas tree...

Taking a photograph of Neil taking a photograph.

Ella on the sea wall near Happisburgh.

Don't forget to check out Neil's fantastic prints of Norfolk at

Thursday 2 January 2014

Whitby 2012

We thought it was about time that we started to get up to date with the blog again. You may have noticed that we've been a bit lax about updating it lately.  So back to where we left off... after Crinan we journeyed to Whitby for some winter sunshine.

A weekend walk to Sandsend. We'd heard you can get great crab sandwiches so off we went. Clearly we weren't the only ones.

Well worth the walk!

 Another walk took us all the way to Staithes (and back again!).