Sunday 24 June 2012

A new member of our family!

Meet Ella our little labradoodle puppy. These are the most recent photographs of her at 10 weeks old looking way more sweet and innocent than she is in real life.

Here are a few taken before we brought her home.

And a short video of Ella in action!

Golden Wedding Anniversary Party

We were blessed with some fantastic weather for Anne and Bryan's Golden Wedding Anniversary party. Jane and Andrew hosted the event and we all chipped in with the catering. Here are a few of the photographs.

Monday 11 June 2012

Easter with the Jacksons (part 2)

We visited the Museum of Scotland. Did you know this is the most visited attraction outside of London - well you do now. It's brilliant and it's free!
It recently underwent a face lift. And here is the new entrance.

And the main hall

Dolly the sheep

Jackie Stewart's F1 car.

The dinosaurs and other wild animals.