Saturday 21 April 2012

Easter with the Jacksons

It was good to spend Easter with the Jacksons who travelled up to Burntisland.

Jane, Andrew, Tom,Sophie, John and I walked between Anstruther and Crail along the Fife Coastal Path.

Tom climbing Caiplie Coves.

A Shag drying it's wings.

The obligatory group photo!

Crail harbour.

And it wouldn't be Easter without the egg hunt.

Jane's experience of hiding eggs herself definitely paid off.

A scramble for one of the last eggs (excuse the pun).

Monday 9 April 2012

London and the Barbican

Recently we travelled to London to visit some homes that were opened up for the public. Who could miss a chance to nose in other people's houses. Unfortunately we can't include any photos of those homes. However we also visited the Barbican for a guided tour and we have plenty of photos of that.

The Centre, designed by Chamberlin, Powell and Bon in the Brutalist style although some argue that the aesthetic considerations applied in it's design mean it is not true brutalism.

In September 2001 the Barbican complex became a Grade II listed building. It has been designated a site of special architectural interest for its scale, its cohesion and the ambition of the project. We love it!

Did you know that the outside of the Barbican is all pick axed by hand! Imagine a developer doing that today.

Surprisingly the Arts Centre dates back to only 1982.

These tall towers include 3 flats per floor and they all have 3 bedrooms.

These ponds were built to muffle the sound of the tube trains running underneath.

The Barbican was designed as a community with lots of different property types so that you could move up from a studio flat to a penthouse as you advanced in your career without ever moving off site.

Not the Barbican but you might recognise this building from a well known tv programme.

Moving Neil and Clair

A few weeks ago we helped Neil and Clair move house. We were a bit nervous as we still have vivid memories of our move but it was good fun. They have a wonderful cottage which we know is going to make a cosy home. Laika has already made herself at home in front of the fire.

We did manage to take a break for a quick dog walk on the beach.

Then back for dinner in front of the fire.