Sunday 5 February 2012

Anne & Bryan's 50th Wedding Anniversary Weekend

The happy day 50 years ago.

For the celebrations the family all met at a cottage in Northumberland.

The new generation.

You will see as you scroll through the pictures that food played an important part in the weekend.  Here we are enjoying beef stroganoff on Friday evening.

Tom spotted a cobweb and couldn't resist a bit of cleaning. He can come visit us anytime!

A rare shot of the photographer.

Jane and Andrew take part in Sophie's quiz. They are smiling because they knew all the answers and went on to win.

Anne and Bryan during the quiz.

Saturday we headed of to Bamburgh. Here's the castle.

John on the beach with his video camera. His videos might be the subject of a later blog., watch this space.

Tom with John in the distance. Both are carrying kites but there was never enough wind surprisingly enough.

Anne and Jane.

Tom taking a portrait of Barney.


Jane has Barney under complete control - I think a dog treat might have played a part too!

Anne and Bryan.

Jane and Andrew.

Jane prepares our picnic on the beach.  Chilli tomato soup and butternut squash pie - yummy.


Anne, Bryan and Sophie enjoy some soup.

The Jacksons and Goldings stride purposefully across the beach.

Later we headed to Lindisfarne for a surprise anniversary cake.

Everyone tucks into the delicious cake - thanks to Sophie and Jane.

The cake before we all got stuck in.

The obligatory group shot.

And this was the amazing view we enjoyed while eating our cake, it doesn't get much better than this.

Dinner on Saturday. Scallops, bacon and pea puree was the starter.  It tasted as good as it looks.

Andrew mashing the potatoes - a bit of a family ritual.

Sophie mixing the cocktails.

Anne & Bryan with their margaritas.

 Sorry I couldn't resist a gratuitous beach shot.

And yet more food (I did warn you).  This time coffee & muffins on the beach.

Sorry last beach photo, I promise.

The family.

The End.