Monday 25 October 2010

Once upon a time John owned a Subaru

Once upon a time John had a Subaru.  To make up for going suburban with a Volvo estate I took him to the Rally Cross at Knockhill Circuit

The Circuit has some magnificent views over the Fife countryside.

You can even make out the cars on the Forth Bridge.

And they're off!

I took quite a few pictures of cars but I have spared you and only picked out a couple.

I'm especially proud of this one.

Keren, Jason, Tristan and Angus come to visit

Keren, Jason and their two little boys, Tristan and Angus have been visiting from Australia.  It was great that they found the time to spend a few days in Scotland.

We couldn't let them go without playing tourist for the day so here is the Graham clan outside Edinburgh Castle.

Tristan enjoyed playing a leap frog on the way down the Royal Mile.

Keren and Angus survey the Scottish Parliament. 
 Love it or hate it, it's quite a landmark in the capital now.

Angus seemed to enjoy himself anyway.

The next day the Scottish weather got the better of us and so we decided to explore the Museum of Flight.

Tristan admiring the cockpit of one of the many planes on display. 
 A future career in mind maybe.

The museum was chosen as the home for  
Alpha Alpha, a Concorde that is sadly no longer in service.

Jason and John admire the engineering. 
Anyone would think they knew something about aeronautics!

The pre-cursor to the smart car. 
Apparently designed by an aeroplane manufacturer to offset the downturn in the market.