Sunday 11 April 2010

Melrose 7's Rugby

This weekend we went to the Melrose Rugby 7's Tournament with Pippa's Mum and Dad. Rugby 7's were invented in Melrose - it's a game of rugby played by 7 on each side, each half is 7 minutes long and it's played on a full size pitch. The whole tournament is played in one day.

We were blessed with the best weather of the year, the sun shone and it was a beautiful warm day.

The four of us in the stand.

Lots of people came in fancy dress. As well as this bunch of bananas there were Santas, Penguins and superheros!

The Army Parachute display team dropped in to deliver the ball for the final game.

Easter at Neil & Clair's

This Easter we flew down to Bristol to visit Neil and Clair. On our first day we hit Bath. It was a cold but sunny day and so inevitably we found a pub in which to warm up.

All the pictures are taken by Neil as we remembered our camera but forgot the memory card - oops! Neil also does great Wood Cut Prints - His website (Inky Fingers) can be found in our links section on the right hand side of the site.

What you don't see in this picture is the technical issues associated with the self timer.
Nor do you see the impressive catch Neil made when the camera fell off table!

On our second day we headed to Wales and the Welsh Heritage Museum.
They have reconstructed houses from across Wales all dating from different eras.

The school house.

John and Clair taking in the history lesson from one of the guides.

Day three and we visited Snowshill Manor. It was owned by Charles Wade. He lived in the Priest's House and used the Manor as an exhibition space for the many items he collected.

On our final day we braved the cold and wet and visited Windmill Tump (an ancient burial site).