Sunday 14 November 2010

Celebrating my 40th Year on a trip to Marrakech

We decided to celebrate my birthday with a trip to Marrakech. 

Djemaa El-Fna
This plaza is the centre of activity in Masrrakech, filled with fruit juice stalls, story tellers,snake charmers and food stalls.
It was once used for executions and its name literally translates to 'assembly of the dead'.
Unescco declared Djemaa el-Fna a masterpiece of World Heritage.

Koutoubia Minaret
The 12th Century, 70 foot high tower for the mosque from which locals are called for prayer 5 times a day.

A square of shops and stalls close to the Souqs.

Looking across the Djemaa el-Fna towards the Souqs.
Check out the number of satellite discs.

The chaos around the Djemaa el-Fna

A water seller.

Ali Ben Youssef Medersa.
(Quranic School)

John reading up on the architecture.

Musee de Marrakrch.

The Souqs.

The Kasbah.

Jardin Majorelle.

Yves Saint Laurent gave the gardens to Marrakech.

;The garden contains rare Cacti.

It's famous for its vivid colours.

Saadian Tombs.
Belonging to Sultan Ahmed el-Mansour el Dahbi.

The flora outside the Bahia Palace.

Inside the Bahia Palace.

The contrasting transportation operating in Marrakech.

A herbal stall.

The Badi Palace.

A view across to the Atlas Mountains.

Some of the storks who live on the ramparts of the Badi Palace.

The Kasbah, just outside our hotel.
Le Jardin de la Medina, our hotel.

The roof terrace of our hotel, a little oasis.

The shower on our private roof terrace.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Holy Island

Last weekend the tides were right for a visit to Lindisfarne, so off we headed.

A refuge just in case we misjudged the tides.

The Abbey

One of the locals.

The Castle, now owned by the National Trust but previously holiday home to the founder of Country Life and refurbished by  Lutyens

A view over the village from the Castle.

Us, just a little windswept. 

A rare shot of the photographer.

Upturned boats form storage sheds - a local tradition.

The shed in the walled garden designed by Gertrude Jekyll

A view of the Castle from the garden.

Monday 25 October 2010

Once upon a time John owned a Subaru

Once upon a time John had a Subaru.  To make up for going suburban with a Volvo estate I took him to the Rally Cross at Knockhill Circuit

The Circuit has some magnificent views over the Fife countryside.

You can even make out the cars on the Forth Bridge.

And they're off!

I took quite a few pictures of cars but I have spared you and only picked out a couple.

I'm especially proud of this one.