Friday 25 December 2009

Christmas with John's Family

Christmas 2009 was spent in Barnsley with John's Family. The cast includes - John, Pippa, Anne (John's Mum), Bryan (John's Dad), Jane (John's Sister), Andrew (brother-in-law), Muriel (brother-in-law's mother), Sophie (niece), Thomas (nephew) and Barney (the dog).

Pre-dinner drinks, looking out at the snow.

John and Bryan struggle to get a word in!

Mashed potatoes, an art form in the Jackson house. It takes years of training!

Jane presides over the beautiful table.

Tom wondering if he should have another roast potato or wait for the chocolate log!

John and Sophie

And finally Barney waiting to lick the plates clean.

Sunday 20 December 2009

Snow in Spott

Like most in Britain this year we had some of the worst snow in decades. Being so close to the sea, Spott hardly ever sees lying snow. This year we were snowed in on several days.

The Square.

Our back garden. Icicles formed down the wall and even the most enthusiastic recycler would struggle to fill these boxes.

Leaving by the back door posed some new risks!

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Christmas Lights in Edinburgh

Every year there is a fair in Edinburgh's Princes Street Gardens, including a German Market and fair. We decided to ride the big wheel and sample the Fire Punch. Although that turned out to be the wrong order!

A View of the Castle.

We naively assumed the big wheel would be something like the London eye. How wrong we were. John's smile isn't enjoyment - it's sheer terror! It took all my courage to let go with one hand and take this shot. We needed the Fire Punch after this.

The Scott Monument.