Saturday 19 September 2009


We spent a long weekend in Dublin to celebrate Dave and Keeley's wedding.
Christchurch Cathedral
St Stephen's Green
Trinity College

The Castle

St Kevin's Park

Harcourt Street

The Party

Pamela, Chris, Rachel and Rebecca Visit

We took a trip to the zoo on yet another lovely sunny day in Edinburgh
The Monkeys
One even gets a cuddle from Rachel

One sat on her Dad's shoulders

A koala


A moody looking penguin


The Sea Lions

The Military Tattoo

We took John's Mum and Dad to the Military Tattoo and thankfully that balmy Edinburgh weather prevailed.
This year is was the RAF's turn to lead the festivities.
The Scots


The Chinese

The Swiss


The combined mass bands

The Edinburgh Festival

We couldn't not head into Edinburgh during the festival. And we were rewarded by some wonderful weather and very clean streets!

A view across Princes Street Gardens to the Scot Monument

St. Giles Cathedral on the Royal Mile

You see some strange things on the streets during the festival and here we venture to Nania

I'm not sure what this monkey was doing out of the Zoo

Elmo makes an appearance as a ballon animal along with a few other characters

And a dancing sea creature

And finally a couple of unusual road signs, not much chance of colliding with an emu on Princes Street, but you never know!

And something I always stick to at work..........

Invasion of the Junior Jacksons!

At the end of the school holidays Thomas and Sophie, our nephew and neice came to stay. Something we agreed to with a degree of trepidation given we can't control 2 cats let alone 2 teenagers.

Thinking that wearing them out might make the job easier we took them to the top of North Berwick Law. The Law is a volcanic blip on the East Lothian landscape. It has fantastic views and is topped off with a whale's jaw bone. We celebrated our ascent with muffins made by Sophie - delicious!

On Saturday Jane and Andrew came to rescue us. And Barney came too.......

A little kite flying.
A father and daughter moment.

The whole clan......

And Barney in his element.

John's Mum and Dad come to visit

John's Mum and Dad came to stay in August. And here are the 3 Goldings....
A Peacock Butterfly

And in true Scottish tradition - a thistle.

To finish, here is the essential beach shot!

Ravensheugh Beach

Some shots of the wildlife encountered.....

Belhaven Beach

Yes, it is another trip to the beach.....

Had to include this trip to the beach so you could see John in his new hat !

And an arty shot too.